In Gaudiya Vaishnavism, the Satvata-tantra describes...
three different forms, or aspects, of Vishnu as
- Maha Vishnu
- Garbhodakasayi Vishnu
- Ksirodakasayi Vishnu
The term Maha Vishnu...
is similar to Brahman...
and Almighty Absolute Supreme Personality of Godhead.
This means that the Absolute truth is realized...
- first as Brahman (impersonal aspect)
- then as Paramatma (personal aspect)
- and finally as Bhagavan (incarnate perfection).
So bhakti, loving devotion, goes to Bhagavan: Krishna or Rama for instance, avatars or incarnations of Vishnu). In this way, bhakti surpasses even yoga, which is aimed at the Supersoul, Paramatma.
Maha Vishnu...
also called Karanodaksayi Vishnu...
is the Supersoul...
of all living beings (jiva-atmas) in all material universes.
So all the Gods including Shiva and Brahma are considered as part of Maha Vishnu Expansion.
Maha Vishnu is said to lie in the causal ocean or the Karanodak.
He puts the seed of this material universe in Maha Maya by glancing at her.
Maha Maya remains the ever obedient material energy of the Supreme Lord.
All the natural elements including sky, fire, water, air and land are created...
along with mind, intelligence and false ego.
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