dinsdag 23 april 2019

maria m.

There once came up to him a woman...

with an alabaster jar of precious ointment, and she poured it on him.

His disciples were indignant [verontwaardigd] at what happened.

And said: "Why was this not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?"

He reproved them however, and said: "Why do you trouble the woman. She has done a good deed. For I say to you, wherever on the whole earth this gospel is preached, this also that she has done shall be told in memory of her?"


Did he or did he not tell the truth?

Was his prediction fulfilled or did it fail to come true?

Put these questions to the Jew. Even if he counts his shameless acts in the tens of thousands, he will not be able to look at this prophecy in the face and stare it down. Certainly we do hear her story told in all the churches. Consuls have stood listening to it, and generals too. Men, women, the renowned, the distinguished, the famous ones in every city. Wherever in the world you may go, everyone respectfully listens to the story of her good service, her action is known in every corner of the earth.


How many kings...

brought many and great blessings on their cities, how many kings waged successful wars, set up many trophies of victory, saved nations, built cities, and in addition, acquired countless revenues? Yet they, for all their great exploits, are buried in the silence of oblivion.

Many queens and great ladies have conferred benefits beyond number on those subject to them. Yet some people do not even know them by name.

But this worthless woman, who only poured out her ointment, is praised everywhere in the world. The long passage of years has failed to blot out the memory of her, and the time to come will never quench her fame.

And yet hers was not a deed of renown.

For what renown was there in pouring out some ointment?

Nor was she a distinguished person, for she was a low woman and an outcast. Nor was there a large audience to see, for only the disciples were gathered around her. Nor was the place one where she could be easily seen. She made no entrance onto a theater stage to perform her service, but did her good deed in a house with only ten people present.



even though she was a lowly person...

even though only a few were there to witness it...

even though the place was undistinguished...

neither these facts, nor any others...

could obscure the memory of that woman.

Today, she is more illustrious than any king or queen.

No passage of years has buried in oblivion the service she performed.

Tell me, now...

How do you explain this?

Who brought this about?

Is it not the work of the God to whom this service was paid? Is it not God who has spread the story of her deed to every corner of the earth? Is it within the scope of human power to predict such things as these?

Who in his right mind could say that? We marvel and are astounded when Christ foretells what He himself will do. But when He predicts what others will do, and then makes these actions of others clear to all the world and worthy of every man's belief, it is still more astounding and marvelous.

against the jews 
homily 5

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