met bewustzijn
dat is het doel
tot en met "het onbewuste"
alles wat je onbewust doet
wat je onbewust deed
wat men onbewust doet
wat men onbewust deed
woede, afgunst...
met bewustzijn
vallend &
via bewustzijn in het dagelijks leven
bewustzijn ontwikkelen voor de
eeuwenoude wijsheid
die het onbewuste
in zich bergt
is ontwaken !
wakker worden
in alle dromen
steeds minder
de wijsheid van het al
steeds meer bewust
de regie gevend
wakker worden
in alle dromen
steeds minder
de wijsheid van het al
steeds meer bewust
de regie gevend
'thus the Yogi becomes master of all
from the infinitesimal to the infinite'...
From the smallest to the greatest...
he becomes master of ÁLL
Meditation is the door to the infinite power.
Meditation is the door to the super-conscious.
Conscious you are.
Móve into the depths of the unconscious.
It is going into the basement of your being.
Gather more and more awareness, so you can move into sleep, into dream. Start by gathering awareness in your waking hours, that 'll help you to move into the unconscious.
gather more awareness into the unconscious!
That will help you... to move into the superconscious.
É-n-e-r-g-y- will be needed.
Your energy right now, is just like a flicker.
Not enough.
Create more E-N-E-R-G-Y-!
Through a-w-á-r-e-n-e-s-s-.
It is just like you heat water.
Or you heat ice...
If you heat ice, it melts. On a certain degree of heat, it becomes water. Then you have to heat it more, if you want it to evaporate. Then go ón heating, and on a certain degree, a hundred degrees, súddenly it takes a jump...
And evaporates.
Quantity changes into quality.
Quantitative change becomes qualitative.
Below a certain degree it is ice, beyond that degree it becomes water. Below a certain degree again it remains water, beyond that degree it evaporates, beco-mes vapor.
When it is ice, it is almost dead, and closed-cold. Not warm enough to be alive.
When it is water, it is more flowing, more alive, not closed. It has melted, it is warmer. But water moves downwards.
When it evaporates, the dimension has changed. It is no more horizontal, it becomes vertical, it goes upwards.
become more and more ALERT in waking hours.
THÁT will bring you to a certain degree of heat.
It is réally a certain degree of inner heat.
A certain temperature of your consciousness.
That will help you...
to move into the unconscious.
become more and more conscious into the unconscious.
More effort will be needed, more energy will be created.
one day, you will find you are moving upwards.
You have become weightless.
Now the gravitation doesn't affect you.
You are becoming...
Superconscious has all power.
It is omnipotent, it is omniscient, it is omnipresent.
Superconscious is everywhere.
Superconscious has every power that is possible.
And superconscious SÉES everything.
There is absolute clarity of...
That's what Patanjali says:
'thus the Yogi becomes master of all
from the infinitesimal to the infinite'
(1975) - chapter 1
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