vrijdag 29 maart 2019

baul -viii-

Thinking is the great falsifier !

Because thinking is man's effort to understand the universe.

And love is God's effort to understand man.

Let me repeat it: when you try to understand God, or existence, or truth, it is your effort - a part, a very tiny part, trying to grasp the whole. The infinite whole! The effort is bound to be doomed. It's impossible. It cannot happen in the nature of things.

Love is when God has found you. Love is when God's hand is searching for you, groping for you.  Love is when you are allowing God to find you. Hence, you cannot manage love!

You can manage logic. You can be very very efficient as far as logic is concerned. The moment love arises, you become absolutely inefficient. Then you don't know where you are, then you don't know what you are doing, then you don't know where you are moving, then you don't know any control.

Logic is controlled. Love is uncontrolled.

Logic is manipulated. Love is a happening.

Logic gives you a feeling that you are somebody. Love gives you a feeling that you are nobody.

Love arises in you when you allów God to enter you.

When you are trying on your own...

then the whole effort is absurd.

the beloved vol.1
(1977) - ch.9

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