woensdag 27 maart 2019


in the 2004 movie

is Merlin's daughter
a very skilled warrior herself
part of the Pict-tribe, in the movie called 'Woads'

Picts were Celts living in Scotland
the term 'Pict' is thought to have originated from the Romans
the Latin word 'picti' meaning 'painted' or 'tattooed people'
(from Latin pingere 'to paint', and pictus 'painted')

'Pict' = 'Pettr' in Old Norse
my mother's surname is... De Petter !
I always wondered... where did it come from?
reddish hair is a common trait of many a family member...

the English word 'woad' means 'wede'
before the arrival of 'indigo' it was woad
that was used in dying fabrics blue

it is very interesting that until this day
we represent Merlin - a l w a y s ! -
in a... blue wizard's cloak !

Guinevere on the other hand
is seldom depicted in blue

in our collective consciousness we
even hardly háve an image of her !

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