zaterdag 30 maart 2019

rijpen 5-

The Bauls say...

"We are not searching for liberation."

A lover, a seeker of love, never talks in terms of liberation.

He says: "It is tremendously beautiful... Áll that is, is already beautiful... There is no need to be liberated from it. All that is needed is how to be in it - totally absorbed."

The world is not a bondage for the Baul.

And there is no need to struggle against it.

In fact, the Baul says, "We love the bondage of the world, because these fetters are also created by you, my Lord. The heart, a lotus, continues flowering, age after age, you are bound to it, and so am I"...

The Baul says to his God:..

"You are bound to it, and so am I"

And with no escape.

The lotus blossoms, blossoms, blossoms...

There is no end to it.

But all these lotuses have one type of honey.

With one particular taste.

"the bee is avid and
unable to leave"

the beloved vol.1
(1977) - ch.9

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