When you look through love...
then you know the reality as it is.
Love is falling with the universe together, falling in a togetherness. It is orgasmic, you are streaming, and the existence has always been streaming... and both streamings meet and mingle... and are infused in each other.
A higher synthesis arises: the part is meeting in the whole, and the whole is meeting in the part. Then something arises which is more than the part and the whole together.
That's what love is.
'Love' is one of the most significant words in human languages.
Because love is existential language.
But somehow, from the very childhood, we are being crippled. Our roots with the heart are cut. We are forced towards the head, and we are not allowed to move towards the heart.
It is something humanity has suffered for long!
A calamity!
That man has not yet become cápable...
of living with love.
the beloved vol.1
(1977) - ch.9
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