zaterdag 9 maart 2019

dieper ik (12)

Whenever you are puzzled in a situation... 

and you cannot see how to get out of it...

don't think! 

Just be in a DEEP non-thinking. And allow the inner guide to guide you. In the beginning you will feel afraid, insecure. But soon, when you come every time to the right conclusion, when you come every time to the right door, you will gather courage and you will become trusting.


If this trust háppens, I call it faith. 

This really is religious faith: the trúst in the inner guide. 

Reasoning is part of the ego. It is you believing in yourself. The moment you go deep within you, you have come to the very soul of the universe. Your inner guide is part of the divine guidance. When you follow it, you follow the divine. 

When you follow yourself, you are complicating things. 

And you don't know what you are doing. 

You may think yourself very wise. 

You are not.

(1972) - vol.ii, ch.37

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