maandag 18 maart 2019

E = mc2

Matter is not a reality.

In Kali Yuga, it was considered a reality.

Because it was the only reality they knéw. In our age, science has proved to us that matter is energy. Nothing else is real except energy. And scientists are saying further, energy looks like condensation of thoughts, and those thoughts look like condensation of consciousness.

And so now at last, we are at that moment in ascending Dwapara Yuga where people are beginning to understand, that this body is not a reality, and that this ego also looks suspiciously unreal. And it is possible now for people at least theoretically to understand that your body and my body are manifestations of the same truth. That your ego and my ego are really only waves on the great ocean of spirit.

And this was the teaching that Master brought to our times in such a clear clarity of explanation that it's actually thrilling to contemplate. That although we look separate from one another, and this is what we need to do, and the reason for this nayaswami ceremony is that we want to dedicate ourselves to seeking that reality within, which will help us to understand that this ego itself is a delusion. That we are waves on the infinite ocean.

nayaswami order initiation
pune, april 2010

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