vrijdag 8 maart 2019

heel al (1)

To establish perfect unity... 

consciousness must first unify itself in terms of all its personal aspects, by rejecting nothing which is experientially real in itself. This is the first thing to be understood.

You feel fear... Now the fear is an existential reality. An experiential reality. It is there. You can reject it. By rejecting it, you will be repressing it. By repressing it, you will create a wound in your being.

You feel cowardice... You can manage not to look at it. But it is a fact! A reality! Just by not looking at it, it is not going to disappear. 

You are behaving like an ostrich: seeing the enemy, seeing the danger of death, the ostrich hides its head in the sand. But by hiding his head in the sand, by closing his eyes, the enemy does not disappear. 

In fact, the ostrich becomes móre vulnerable to the enemy.

Thinking that now there is no enemy, because nobody is seen, thinking that seeing the enemy is what gives it existence, now the ostrich is relieved of the fear. But he is móre in danger. The enemy is móre powerful because... it has not been nóticed.

Something can be dóne... 

if the ostrich does not hide its head.

(1978) - ch.8 q.1

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