vrijdag 8 maart 2019

heel al (10)

T-h-i-s- is the One. 

The Tao. 

Or you can call it 'God'... This One, that is left behind when all pain disappears, when you are not divided in any way, when the observer has become the observed, t-h-i-s- is the experience of God, of samadhi, or whatever you will. And in this state there is no self as such, because there is no observer-controller-judger. One is only that which arises, and changes from moment to moment. 

Some moments it may be elation... 

other moments it may be sadness... 

tenderness... destructiveness... 

fear... loneliness... 



Éverything that is... 

is beautiful.

Even ugliness.

You said: "Can I accept even my cowardice, my hypocrisy, my miserliness, and a tendency towards privacy, that you yourself have called 'idiocy'?"... 

Whatsoever is, IS. 




No truth ever binds anybody. 

That is not the quality... 

of truth. 

(1978) - ch.8 q.1

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