Drop all ideals.
Sacrifice fantasies to reality.
And then life starts becoming integrated. All the rejected fragments... start coming back home. The repressed starts surfacing. For the first time, you start feeling a kind of togetherness.
You are no longer falling apart.
some moments I am angry...
then some moments I am sad... then some moments I am jealous... then some moments I am joyful... Moment-to-moment, whatsoever happens is accepted. THEN you become one.
And this oneness...
is the most fundamental thing to understand.
The master must help the disciple...
to confront and integrate those rejected experiential aspects of self which he actually IS at any given moment.
Instead of trying to help him actualize its compensatory opposite, or what the disciple feels that he OUGHT to be, or that which he is trying to protect, enhance, or affirm about himself.
My purpose here, my function here...
is to take all ideals away from you.
You have come here with ideals. You would like me to enhance your ideals. You would like me to support you. And help you to become that which you want to become. That may be your motivation in coming here... but that is not mý work here.
My work is just the opposite.
To help you to accept that which IS already the case.
And to forget all about your fantasies.
I want you to become more realistic.
And pragmatic.
I want to give you roots in the earth.
And you are hankering for the sky...
And you have completely forgotten the earth!
unio mystica vol.1
(1978) - ch.8 q.1
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