vrijdag 8 maart 2019

heel al (7)

Yés, the sky is available. 

But only to those whose roots have gone deep into the earth. 

If a tree wants to rise high in the sky, and whisper with the clouds, and play with the winds, and have some communion with the stars... then the tree will have to send deeper and deeper roots into the earth.

The first thing is sending roots into the earth. 

The second thing happens of its own accord. 

The deeper the roots go, the higher the tree goes. 

There is no need to do anything else.

My effort here is to send your roots... 

d-e-e-p- into the soil of TRUTH. 

And the truth is that which you are.

Thén, suddenly things will start happening. 

You will start rising. 

The ideals that you have always tried for, and have never been able to achieve, will start happening of their own accord.

If a person can accept his reality as it is, in that very acceptance all tension disappears: anguish, anxiety, despair... they all simply evaporate. 

And when there is no anxiety, no tension, no fragmentariness, no division, no schizophrenia... then suddenly there is joy. Then suddenly there is love. Then suddenly there is compassion. 

They are not ideals. 

They are very natural phenomena.

All that is needed is to remove the ideals. 

Because those ideals are functioning as blocks. 

The more idealistic a person is, the more blocked he is.

As peculiar and contradictory as it may sound: peace is to be found only in the midst of pain. Never by struggling against, or running away from what is considered to be the negative, or painful.

(1978) - ch.8 q.1

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