maandag 4 maart 2019

it (3)

LISTEN to it. 

Ordinarily people who don't know what meditation is, write that meditation is concentration. There are thousands of books in which you will find this statement, this utterly stupid statement - that meditation is concentration. 

Meditation is not concentration. 

It is the last thing that meditation can be. 

In fact, concentration is just the diametrically opposite ! 


In concentration you are very tense. 


Looking for something. 

Yes, concentration is good - if you are looking for t-i-n-y- things. 

If you are searching for an ant, concentration is perfectly good. 

But not good for God. 

God - 'it' - is so vast. 

So tremendously v-a-s-t-. 

If you look with concentration you will find an ant, not God.


For God you have to be utterly open. 


O-p-e-n- from every side. 

Not searching, not looking. 

An unfocussed consciousness is what meditation is.

Unfocussed consciousness.


You just burn a small lamp. 

The light is unfocussed, it falls in every direction. It is not going anywhere, it is simply there, falling in every direction. All directions are filled with it. 

Then there is a torch. A torch is like concentration. It is focussed. When you want to look at God, a torch won't help. A lamp will. If you are searching for an ant, perfectly good. If you are searching for a rat, perfectly good - the torch will do. 

For the small... 

a focussed consciousness is needed.

In science, concentration is perfectly right. 

Science cannot exist without concentration. 

It is looking for the small.

And the smaller, and the smaller. 

It goes on from the smaller to the smaller to the smallest.

It is looking for the molecule. 

And then looking for the atom. 

And then for the electron.

Then for the neutron. 

It goes on looking for the smaller. 

The whole search is for the smaller. 

So science becomes more and more... 

concentrated and focussed.


Religion is just the opposite.



Open to áll directions. 

To áll breezes possible. 

All doors, all windows open. 

Walls dropped.

You are just... 

an opening.

(1977) - chapter 1

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