Zen is very very concerned with beauty.
Less concerned with truth. More concerned with beauty.
Why? Because truth is a dry symbol. It is not only dry in itself, but people who become too much concerned with truth, become dry also. They start dying, their hearts shrink, their juices flow no more.
They become loveless.
They become violent.
And they start moving more and more in the head.
And Zen is not a head thing.
It is a total thing.
Not that the head is denied !
But it has to be given its right place.
It is not given any dóminant status... It has to function with the totality... The guts are ás important as the head. The feet are ás important as the head. The heart is ás important as the head.
The total should function as an organism.
Nobody should be dóminated.
(1977) - chapter 1
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