D.H. Lawrence was very much against...
your so-called education.
It is not education, it is mis-education. Real education can only be based on love - not on knowledge. Real education cannot be utilitarian. Real education cannot be of the market-place.
Not that real education will nót give you knowledge! First, real education will prepare your heart, your love. And thén, whatever knowledge is needed to pass through life will be given to you. But that will be secondary. And it will never be overpowering.
It will not be more valuable than love.
And whenever there is a possibility...
of any conflict between love and knowledge...
real education will help you, to be ready to drop your knowledge and move with your love. It will give you courage, it will give you adventure. It will give you space to live, accepting all risks, insecurities. It will help you to be ready to sacrifice yourself, if love demands it. It will put love not only above knowledge, but even above life.
Because life is meaningless...
without love.
(1979) - 6 (2)
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