zondag 17 maart 2019

roots of depression -9-

This is how it should be worked out.

Groups of twenty-five young married couples and single people should strive hard, and concentrate their souls’ force, by living very economically for five years, until each couple has ten thousand dollars cash. This, multiplied by twenty-five, would make a trust-fund of $250,000. [IN 1932!... DUS OM TE REKENEN NAAR BEDRAGEN VAN NU!...]


Some of this...

should be used to buy and build twenty-five small cottages. By their own labor. On twenty acres of community-owned farm land.

All butter and milk should be obtained from home-bred cows. And vegetables should be grown by the members of this spiritual farm on their own land.

Lambs should be grown for wool for dresses, socks, and other articles. Hats should not be worn. All the people should wear sandals, or go barefooted.


Education of the children of the married couples should be given in the community schools. By the highly educated parents. In a community hall with wooden partitions. Or under the trees, in summer.

Meditation, the scientific art of knowing God...

should be the ideal aim of all the children.


Parents should be satisfied with one child.

And exercise moderation and self-control in marital life.


All taxes...

the expense of educating the children...

and miscellaneous expenses...

should be taken from the interest on the $250,000.

(1932 !!)

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