Don't think with the head.
Really, don't think at all.
Just move. Try it in some situations. It will be difficult, because the old habit will be to start thinking. You will have to be alert not to think. But to feel inwardly what is coming to the mind.
You may be confused many times. Because you will not be able to know, whether it is coming from the inner guide, or from the surface of the mind. But soon, you will know the feeling, the difference.
When something comes from the inner...
it comes from your navel upwards.
You can feel the flow, the warmth coming from the navel upwards. Whenever your mind thinks, it is just on the surface, in the head. And then it goes down. If your mind decided something, then you have to force it down. If your inner guide decides, then something bubbles up in you. It comes from the deep core of your being, towards the mind.
The mind receives it.
But it is not of the mind.
It comes from beyond.
And that is why the mind is scared about it...
Because it comes from behind...
without any reason with it, without any proofs...
it simply bubbles up.
(1972) - vol.ii, ch.37
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