dinsdag 12 maart 2019

liefde -6

You will never find love where 'I' exists.

Love is only there when 'I' is not.


I remember the days...

when my mind was in darkness...

when nothing was clear inside me at all. One thing in particular I recall about those days, was that I did not feel love for anyone, I did not even love myself.

But when I came to the experience of meditation, I felt as though a million dormant springs of love had suddenly begun to bubble up in me.

This love was not focused.

Not directed to anyone in particular.

It was just a flow, fluid and forceful. It flowed from me as light streams from a lamp. As fragrance pours from flowers. In the wonderful moment of my awakening I realized, that love was the real manifestation of my nature, of man's nature.

Love has no direction.

It is not aimed at anyone.

Love is a manifestation of the Soul.

Of one's Self.

the long the short...
(1967?) - ch.6

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