dinsdag 12 maart 2019

liefde -7

Before this experience happened to me...

I believed love meant being attached to someone.

Now I realize that love and attachment are two completely different things. Attachment is the ábsence of love. Attachment is the opposite of hatred. And hatred it can easily become. They are a pair, attachment and hatred. They are mutually interchangeable.

The opposite of hatred is not love.

Not at áll!

And love is quite different from attachment too!

Love is a completely NEW dimension.

It is the absence of both attachment and hatred.

Yet, it is not negative.

Love is the positive existence of some higher power.

This power, this energy... flows from the Self towards all things.

Not because it is attracted by them.

But because love is emitted by the Self.

Love is the perfume of the Self.

the long the short...
(1967?) - ch.6

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