One concern may become rich...
by slashing the prosperity of many other concerns with the sword of selfishness...
but that very weapon may be wrested from him, and used against him by anóther more powerful war-lord of industry. Most great industries in past years broke the Divine Law of 'the greatest good for the greatest number'.
That is why they are failing.
When the very people, who have built a nation, are left to die like old horses when they no longer can offer their services, and they are made to feel more useless than animals...
then despair rouses God’s agencies, God’s Laws...
which protect alike both His weak and His strong children.
They are prompted...
to work silently...
to disrupt these man-made selfish Laws of Industry.
Industrial greed for trade supremacy caused a devastating war. Industrial greed in peaceful times has caused a most destructive depression. Hence, the ideal of business, to make money at all costs, MUST be changed.
The ideal of business should be to give the best service!
To supply the réal needs of man!
And NOT to encourage his habits of luxury!
Which d-e-s-t-r-o-y- his body, mind, and soul.
Plain living is not self-denial.
But self-fulfillment, the r-e-a-l-l-y- luxurious way of securing a living.
Real brotherhood, and the s-h-a-r-i-n-g- of profits between capital and labor, would make both the capitalists and the workers equally rich and happy.
Security of food at all times... medical help when disabled... free transportation... and education... would make people feel that they are all members of the same family.
Of one nation.
Let the government levy good taxes, and with those taxes give security to each member of a national family. By making the standard of living plain and equal, and by giving material security to man, crimes and wars will be forever outlawed.
For thén, no one will have greed for money to feed the Satan of banished luxury. The Satan of luxury, poverty, selfishness, and international misunderstandings, would then be banished.
Equality, peace, and brotherhood in the world are impossible as long as selfishness and luxury remain. Individual and social selfishness must be abandoned for the common good of nations. And national selfishness must be abandoned b-e-f-o-r-e- members of nations can live happily without wars...
in the family... of the United States of the World.
(1932 !!)
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