Let the ROOT causes of depression...
as depicted above be removed, and wars will automatically vanish.
Revolutions will be unknown.
Let us r-e-m-e-m-b-e-r- that it was extreme imperial selfishness, contrasts between luxury and poverty, brother treating brother as slave, tyranny of one brother over another, brother murdering brother, one brother living rich by making other brothers poor...
all THESE it was...
which loosened the invisible dynamite of discontent, that blew up the gun-guarded Empire of the Czars.
Today, we hear that Russia is the only country in the world where there is no unemployment problem, where no one walks the streets with cowardice, where millionaires are not passing by in Pierce-Arrows with galvanized heartless laughter.
However, no matter how prosperous Russia may seem today, I personally do not approve of the way she forced her new democracy. Is that democracy going to last? That democracy built on martial law?
It remains to be seen.
(1932 !!)
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