donderdag 7 maart 2019

school (i)

Wonder and awe... 

are the greatest spiritual qualities. 

Wonder means you function from a state of not knowing. The knowledgeable person never feels wonder. He is incapable of feeling wonder, because he thinks he already knows. He knows all the stupid answers, he may know the whole Encyclopaedia Britannica, hence every question is already answered in his mind. 

When a question is such that there is no answer to it, that it is unanswerable, not only today but forever, not that it is unknown, but it is unknowable... when one encounters the unknow-able, unanswerable... one experiences wonder. One is in a state of awe. 

As if the heart stops beating. 

As if you don't breathe for a moment.

(1979) - 6 (2)

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