donderdag 7 maart 2019

school (ii)

The experience of wonder is such that everything stops. 

The whole world stops. 

Time stops. Mind stops. The ego stops. For a moment, you are again a child, wondering about the butterflies and the flowers and the trees and the pebbles on the shore and the seashells - wondering about each and everything, you are a child again.

And when you can wonder, and can feel the immense beauty of existence which can only be felt in awe, when suddenly you are possessed by existence, overwhelmed, you can dance, you can celebrate that moment, you can say "Aha!" and you don't know anything else to say, no word, just an exclamation point...!


The knowledgeable person lives with a question mark. 

And the man of awe and wonder lives with an exclamation mark. 

Everything is so tremendously deep and profound, that it is impossible to know it. Know-ledge is impossible. When this is experienced, then your whole energy takes a jump, a quantum leap. From the mind to the heart. From knowing to feeling. 

When there is no possibility of knowing... 

your energy does not move... 

in that direction anymore.

(1979) - 6 (2)

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