donderdag 7 maart 2019

school (iii)

When you have realized... 

that there is no possibility of knowing...

that the mystery is going to remain a mystery... that it cannot be demystified... your energy starts moving in a new direction: the direction of the heart. That is why I say, love is related to wonder and awe, to childlike innocence. When you are not obsessed with knowledge... 

you become loving. 


Knowledgeable people are not loving. 

Heady people are not loving. Even if they love, they only think that they love. Their love also comes via their heads. And passing through the head, love loses all its beauty, it becomes ugly. 

The heady people are calculating. 

Arithmetic is their way.


Love is jumping...

into a dangerously alive existence with no calculation. 

The head says: "Think before you jump!" 

And the heart says: "Jump before you think!" 

Their ways are diametrically opposite.


The knowledgeable person...

becomes less and less loving. 

He may talk about love, he may write treatises about love... 

he may be conferred PhD's, DLitt's for his theses on love... 

but he knows nothing of love. 

He has not experienced it! 

It is a subject that he has been studying. 

It is not an affair that he is living.

(1979) - 6 (2)

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