dinsdag 12 maart 2019

verlichting (v)

And do not have any fixed idea !

Just very liquid qualities should be remembered.

I say liquid qualities ! Not very determinate qualifications... For example, every enlightened person will have a deep silence, almost tángible... In his presence, those who are open, receptive, will become silent...

He will have a tremendous contentment... whatever happens, makes no difference to his contentment...

He will not have any question left, all questions have dissolved... Not that he knows all answers... But all quéstions have dissolved...

And in that state of utter silence... no-mind... he is capable of answering any question, with tremendous profundity... It needs no preparation...

He himself does not know what he is going to say... It comes spontaneously... Sometimes he himself is surprised...

But that does not mean, that he has answers inside himself ready-made... He has no answers at all... He has no questions at all...

He has just a clarity.

A light that can be focused on any question.

And all the implications of the question... and all the possibilities of its being answered... suddenly become clear.

the last testament iii
(1986) - ch.29

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