dinsdag 12 maart 2019

verlichting (vi)

So you may find...

sometimes you ask something, and the enlightened one answers something else. That happens, because you are not aware of the implications of your own question.

He does not answer only your words. He answers yóu ! He answers the mind which has prodúced the question. So many times, the question and the answer may look not meeting, but they certainly meet.

Just you will have to dig a little deeper into the question, and you will find that that exactly was the question.

It will happen many times that you will understand your question for the first time. When it has been answered. Because you were not aware of that dimension. You were not aware of your own mind, your own unconscious...

from where those words have come.


The enlightened man has no answers.

No scriptures, no quotation marks...

He is simply available.

Just like a mirror.

He responds.

And he responds...

with intensity and totality.

the last testament iii
(1986) - ch.29

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